Preparing for Diner en Blanc: Table Essentials!

Now that you've gotten your table and chairs for Le Diner en Blanc, you can concentrate on the fun planning of your elegant table setting!  

You'll need to bring a white table cloth, dinner napkins, non-disposable dishes and cutlery, glassware, table decor, and battery operated candles.

We've done a little research for you with some suggestions on where you can find what you need!

Joanne Fabric or other craft stores are great resoures for table covers and linen napkins.

White dishware is easy to come by, but this set from Target offers a little flair!   

Cutlery is plentiful at Bed Bath and Beyond.

Stemless wine glasses leave room for a more elegant floral arrangment and table decor!

B.Y.O.F. (Bring Your Own Flowers!)  Craft stores like Michael's sell flowers perfect for Le Diner en Blanc and they'll stay good for years to come.  Or you can B.Y.O.F.F. (Bring Your Own Fresh Flowers!) from local shops like Surroundings and Flowers on 14th.  

You'll need something to keep your flowesr in, too.  Ikea has all kinds of glassware and vases.

Don't forget to bring a corkscrew for your pre-ordered wine, trash bags, and water.


Washington DC | 2024 Participation Information

19 July 2024

The participation fee is $56.00

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Introducing Our New Logo & Website

25 April 2024

You’re here! Have you had a chance to browse this beautiful new website yet? Take a tour and get even more excited about the coming season!

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A Look Back on 2023!

08 March 2024

With the 2024 Diner en Blanc Event Season ramping up, we wanted to share some of the highlights from 2023.

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eStore Alert!

26 August 2023
Have you checked our eStore offerings?! Although this is a BYO event, we have online options for those looking for the ultimate convenience.
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